Boost Emergency Response Times With Voice Pagers For Public Safety Agencies
At Goosetown, we understand how critical the ability to dispatch quickly and consistently is. While two-way radios can certainly accomplish this task, they may not be the appropriate device for every first responder to carry daily.
Pagers, on the other hand, offer a reliable and cost-effective option. Unlike other devices, pagers are not dependent on cellular networks or internet connectivity, ensuring first responders get alerted anywhere. While being more affordable than two-way radios, pagers boast a long battery life and have robust designs that withstand the demanding conditions faced by all Public Safety agencies. With the ability to send the same message to multiple people simultaneously, store voice messages, and maintain performance in harsh environments, pagers ensure critical messages are delivered promptly and reliably. This makes pagers an ideal choice for emergency communication for anyone in the Public Safety workforce.
The Unmatched Performance of Unication Public Safety Pagers
Goosetown Communications has established a strategic partnership with industry leader Unication to provide top-tier P25 pagers designed to enhance public safety communication. By leveraging the cutting-edge technology and reliability of Unication, Goosetown Communications delivers robust paging solutions that meet the critical needs of emergency response teams.
This partnership underscores Goosetown Communications’ commitment to equipping first responders with the best tools to improve safety and efficiency in the field.